Database Management Service for Clipper® Asset Performance and Maintenance Monitoring


Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

Project Duration
2013- to present

Project Contract
Sub to Ch2mHill

Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded a contract to Auriga to conduct Clipper® Asset Performance and Maintenance Monitoring services. Auriga provided the following services:

Auriga provided Project Management support, coordinating with the vendor and Operators to plan an effective asset management strategy. The strategy plan involves identifying risks, roadmap for mitigating risks and corrective actions required to overcome any potential risks in asset management. During this project, Auriga has also performed cost estimation for change orders as a result of additional scope of work.

In addition, Auriga performed the folowing services:

  • Import daily reports in spreadsheet format into an existing SQL Database.
  • Create and Distribute weekly reports containing visualization of Clipper® Device Performance data with explanations of any anomalies (in an issue list).
  • Monitor Data on a regular basis for noticeable trends that may indicate failures in back office or wireless network infrastructure.
  • Highlight trends in device health (critical and non-critical failures) for each device type and Transit Agency.
